It is the understanding of this COSMOLOGICAL UNIVERSE
that allows us to access the spiritual world.
1.86 x 1.76 M
“ The Divine primary energy of God
has neither dimensions nor matter,
it is pure and unlimited energy.
The sublime manifestation
of the Celestial Father,
is produced with a mega explosion,
whose consequence is
The macro, the micro,
the matter, the elements,
the dimensional levels,
the positive, the negative,
the good, the bad,
the sensations, the love,
the pain, everything is configured.
The explosion has
the configuration of the
Divine eye of God,
an eye that I represent
in almost all my work.”
1.86 X 1.76 M
“ THE CREATION in full expansion.”
200 X 170 CM
“All things visible and invisible
are part of creation,
that all, is indivisible.
This painting is a visualization
of a mantra or meditation.”
PI (3,14159265358979323846...)
35 X 1.37 CM
“ The formula “PI” appears as a fundamental center in the ancient Egyptian papyri,
it is the center of mathematics, physics,
geometry and engineering since ancient times.
“PI” is present in the Bible,
it was used as an elementary principle
in the construction of Solomon's temple
and in the immortal Greek works,
“PI” is present in all creation,
its representation symbolizes the ovary and the womb,
for me it is already the fertilized egg.”
1.51 X 1.36 CM
“ Have you ever thought......?
how many beings similar to us
or with a different configuration,
lives in the cosmos?
how many souls in so many millions of galaxies...?
we are not the only ones, wake up, think,
reason with the intelligence that was given to you
and take control of the true universal census.”
61 X 91,5 M
“ The MACRO forms of the Universe,
constellations, galaxies, stars,
are the same forms of the MICRO
in the human internal body, cells, globules,
this is manifested in a single body,
the Universal Body of God Heavenly Father.”
61 CM X 91,5 M
“ The Call to the Light at the end
of our life cycle on this planet,
we are called to other spaces.
We detach ourselves from our earthly bodies,
to access new dimensions,
it is our opportunity to grow in the Light
and get closer to the Universal Energy.”
46 X 60,05 M
“ Earth, air, fire and water
are the four fundamental elements
that make up the Universe.
There is a fifth element...
very sublime, superior, more subtle, always mobile,
In my work the hand of God,
showing the element of water.”
MANTRA / 51 CM X 40,05 CM
“A letter, a word, a phrase,
that pronounced and repeatedly
moves you towards the light.”
1,23 X 1,52.50 M
“ Queen Pharaoh of the XVIII Egyptian Dynasty.
The priests of the Egyptian God Amon,
prepared her when she was just five years old,
declaring her, “ daughter of Amon ” ( teogamia ),
initializing her with the ritual SETEP-SA,
in which, they would place on her spine,
the force and the power of the vertebral
column of the Boreal Galaxy, home of the Gods,
making her through this ceremony,
high priestess and medium of the Gods.
It was the first woman to govern a
empire in the known world. ”
1.52 x 1.37,5 M
“In order to cross the Red Sea,
fearful Moses implores God for help.
The Heavenly Father exalts him to faith,
stressing the power he has to dominate the elements;
It is the first time that we find in the Bible,
the Divine message,
mentioning the power that we have
to carry out any work that we we want,
however impossible it may seem,
only with FAITH.”
1.23 X 1.42,5 M
“ Love at its finest,
the tender kiss of “ The Mother ” to her King Son,
channeled by the Divine Light.”
78 X 1.15 M
“ In the Apocryphal Gospels,
reference is made to the power
and uncontrolled energy of the hands of the child Jesus,
where tremors and miracles are intertwined. ”
1.53 X 1.33 CM
“ Jesus Christ was planted on planet earth
to convey and promote to the human race
the message of LOVE,
love thy neighbor, love animals, love children and the elderly,
love women so unjustly undervalued by society
and to teach us the use of UNIVERSAL ENERGY,
to heal bodies and souls, dominating matter and bending evil. ”
1.16,5 X 1.22,5 M
“According to another Apocryphal gospel,
Veronica, moved by the suffering of Jesus on his Via Crucis,
cleanses his face with a cloth cloak, leaving the image of his face on it.
In this work, I represent the Jewish Jesus,
symbolized with the twelve-pointed star by the twelve tribes of David
and the Christian Jesus, symbolized in the star by
the twelve apostles and the fish.
The painting is made in the shape of a star with the face of Jesus in the middle
and the triangle pointing towards the sky, asking for Divine assistance
and the triangle pointing towards the earth, distributing the assistance invoked.”
1.33 X 1.53 M
in the form of Spirit , descended with great noise andwinds
and like tongues of fire, fell on Mary and all the Apostles,
infusing his seven gifts on them, allowing them to speak other languages,
healing with the hands, healing with the minds,
developing that inner strength that is in our inner self.”
1.44 X 1.22 M
“And upon this rock I shall build my church
and evil shall not prevail against it,
I will give you the keys of knowledge and wisdom
to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
1.10,1 X 1.70 M
the purest feminine energy in its purest form,
there are millions of people
who feed their faith through her innumerable miracles.
In this representation
I present her with the brilliance that characterizes her,
bright and luminous as a star in the sky.”
1.00 X 1.38,5 M
“Jewish Mother, Christian Mother, Universal Mother of the human race always surrounded by roses, chosen by the Creator to be also the mother of Jesus, The Christ. In my work she is represented by the Eye of God in the background.”
55 CM X 48 CM
“The original tableau where this Virgin was painted, was found floating in the Caribbean Sea at dawn after a hurricane. In my work I represent the colors of dawn and copper on the Moon, honoring her name.”
2.30 X 1.55 M
“The primary Divine Energy of God,
has no dimensions or matter,
it is pure and boundless energy.
The sublime manifestation
of the Heavenly Father occurs
resulting in a mega explosion:
The Creation.
The macro, micro, matter, elements,
dimensional levels, the positive, the negative,
the good, the bad, the feelings,
love, pain, everything is configured.
The explosion simulates the eye of God,
the eye that occurs in almost all of my work.”
Because he who asks receives,
he who seeks finds and
for he who knocks it will open.
I want to express with my art, the true source of my inspiration,
THE FORCE that moves my senses to understand the reason for my existence.
It is my way of expressing that knowing and understanding the COSMOS we can discover our own spirituality and it is through this QUANTIC SPIRITUAL DIMENSION of prayers, visualizations, mantras and meditations, that we can convert this mental ENERGY into MATTER.
It is the way to make our thoughts come true...
Because he who asks receives, he who seeks finds and for he who knocks it will open.
Diana Morrison's work is motivated by her need to give expressive form to some of our deepest spiritual concerns. The origin of being, the divine energy, the source of knowledge and sense of life, are some of the problems that Diana addresses and attempts to clear through her artistic creations. Part of them, by an abstract grammar, metaphorically alludes to a primitive existence, a universe in the gestational age, the origin of life itself. Stain colors ranging from brown to ocher, equipped with plenty of texture, creating a centrifugal visual movement, developed in spiral, so seductive, evocative and suggestive leads the viewer to enter her paintings. This expresses a full dynamic tension in fast-paced, which brings an explosion of light, color and material, overflowing with beauty and poetry. In parallel, her figurative work develops a deep symbolic and spiritual content, which makes her motives and iconography (by processing and reinterpreting) of various religious systems, a work which, along with her abstract work, adrift in a complex system of thought, expressive a search of the essence and humanistic concern. —By Adolfo Wilson